The Acting Director General of the Customs Forces meets with the Director of the Sea Ports Authority

Within the framework of joint cooperation between the Customs Forces and the Sea Ports Authority, Mr. Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, Director General of the Customs Forces in charge of his office, met this afternoon with Captain Muhammad Hassan Mukhtar, Director General of the Sea Ports Authority, Mr. Muzammil Hassan Bakhit, Director of Marketing, and Mr. Moatasem Ahmed Al-Senussi, the Legal Advisor to the Sea Ports Authority. In the presence of the Assistant Director General of the Customs Forces, Mr. Major General (Jurist) Abdul Rahman Badawi Obaid and Mr. Major General Yasser Siddiq Muhammad Ahmed, in addition to Mr. Brigadier General Hisham Muhammad Al Hassan, Director of the General Administration of Red Sea Customs. The meeting discussed many issues of common interest between the Customs Forces and the Seaports Authority. Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim reiterated their happiness with the visit, stressing their support and readiness for joint cooperation that directly contributes to increasing and developing the economy. The meeting also discussed many topics related to facilitating the movement of incoming and outgoing goods. Through Sudanese ports and continuous development and modernization operations to keep pace with developments in the global trade movement.