The Acting Minister of the Interior launches the twelfth phase of support for the war effort 22/07/2024

Today, the Acting Minister of the Interior, Major General Khalil Pasha Sairin, inaugurated the twelfth phase of the Ministry’s support for the war effort, which is represented in various medicines for the wounded and injured in the Battle of Karama, in the presence of the First Police (Jurist) General Khaled Hassan Mohieddin, Director General of the Police Forces, and the Police Lieutenant General Amira Abbas Muhammad Fadl, Assistant Director General. For medical services and Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, Acting Director General of Customs Forces. The Acting Minister of the Interior explained that the launch of the twelfth phase of support comes as a continuation of the efforts of the Ministry of the Interior and its components to support the war effort and provide medical aid to the wounded and injured in the Battle of Karama, explaining that the medicines that were inaugurated this morning will be distributed to a number of police and military hospitals in the various states, from In order to provide and provide integrated medical care for the wounded, injured and all citizens. For his part, Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim stressed that the customs forces will spare no effort in supporting the war effort and will remain a support and support for the Ministry of Interior in all its efforts to support the war effort until victory is achieved, God willing, indicating that the quantity of medicines for this stage amounted to thirty tons of various medicines, including antibiotics and solutions. Intravenous, blood pressure and diabetes medications, and large quantities of life-saving medications.

The Acting Director General of the Customs Forces meets with the Director of the Sea Ports Authority 14/07/2024

Within the framework of joint cooperation between the Customs Forces and the Sea Ports Authority, Mr. Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, Director General of the Customs Forces in charge of his office, met this afternoon with Captain Muhammad Hassan Mukhtar, Director General of the Sea Ports Authority, Mr. Muzammil Hassan Bakhit, Director of Marketing, and Mr. Moatasem Ahmed Al-Senussi, the Legal Advisor to the Sea Ports Authority. In the presence of the Assistant Director General of the Customs Forces, Mr. Major General (Jurist) Abdul Rahman Badawi Obaid and Mr. Major General Yasser Siddiq Muhammad Ahmed, in addition to Mr. Brigadier General Hisham Muhammad Al Hassan, Director of the General Administration of Red Sea Customs. The meeting discussed many issues of common interest between the Customs Forces and the Seaports Authority. Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim reiterated their happiness with the visit, stressing their support and readiness for joint cooperation that directly contributes to increasing and developing the economy. The meeting also discussed many topics related to facilitating the movement of incoming and outgoing goods. Through Sudanese ports and continuous development and modernization operations to keep pace with developments in the global trade movement.

Anti-smuggling in the Red Sea confiscated nearly half a ton of drugs and a quantity of weapons and ammunition 11/07/2024

In a new achievement for the customs forces, the Red Sea State Anti-Smuggling Forces were able to seize (424) kilograms of drugs in one of the areas south of the city of Port Sudan. The Acting Minister of the Interior, Major General (M) Khalil Pasha Sairin, reviewed the qualitative seizure, praising the great efforts made by the anti-smuggling forces at sea. Al-Ahmar affirmed their support by providing all aids, calling for more efforts to protect the economy, combat smuggling, and protect society from all the various security threats. For his part, Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, the acting Director General of the Customs Forces, explained that this seizure is considered one of the qualitative and large-scale seizures. Due to the presence of international gangs specialized in this field and the great danger that weapons pose to the security of the Red Sea State, especially in light of these circumstances. Major General (Jurist) Hashim Muhammad Ahmed Al-Khalifa, Assistant Director General for Combating Smuggling, also renewed their full commitment to combating all forms of smuggling through land rafts. And the navy and the bases that work day and night with strong determination in order to maintain the security and safety of citizens. His Excellency explained that drugs constitute a major support for the rebel militia by drugging its soldiers in battles, as it is difficult for the rebels to confront the attacks of the armed forces except through their use of these drugs, stressing that his forces are on the lookout for all of these. Failed attempts. For his part, the Director of the Anti-Smuggling Department in the Red Sea, Brigadier General Abbas Abdel Qader Dinar, stated that the seizure was made after the availability of information and after careful monitoring and follow-up. A number of (297) kilograms of narcotic ice, a number (64) kilograms of cocaine, and a number (2) kilograms were seized. Hashish and (4) kilograms of heroin, along with (57) kilograms of lithium sulphate, two horn guns and ten Kalashnikov rifles, and the means of smuggling, a GMC vehicle, was seized.

Port Sudan International Airport Customs foils an attempt to smuggle more than (22) kilograms of gold that was on its way out of the country 30/06/2024

A major achievement was achieved by the customs forces through their seizure of more than (22) kilograms of gold that a passenger departing on an airline tried to smuggle out of the country. Mr. Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, the Director General of the Customs Forces in charge, stopped this morning at Port Sudan International Airport to make the seizure. He was accompanied during the visit by Mr. Major General (Jurist) Abdul Rahman Badawi Obaid, Assistant Director General of Customs Operations, and Mr. Brigadier General (Jurist) Hisham Mohamed Al-Hassan, Director of the General Administration of Red Sea Customs, in the presence of Mr. Colonel Awad Kanna, Acting Director of Port Sudan International Airport Customs, and a number of officers at the airport. His Excellency praised the great achievement achieved by the forces, which indicates the vigilance and high sense of security enjoyed by the customs forces at all air ports and border crossings. He also called upon his sovereignty, during his meeting with the Director of Port Sudan International Airport, Mr. Othman Al-Awad, for more cooperation and tight coordination with all security agencies to secure the airport through Electronic monitoring via cameras and X-ray detectors. According to Customs Forces media follow-ups, the seizure is considered one of the largest seizures made at Port Sudan Airport. It was seized after one of the officers (Sinkat Shift) searched one of the bags, after it passed through the The authorities obtained all information related to him to complete legal procedures.

Anti-smuggling, Northern State, Wadi Halfa branch, seizes a Tundra vehicle carrying ammunition 27/06/2024

In a qualitative seizure and with accurate information, the Wadi Halfa anti-smuggling vehicle seized a Tundra vehicle that was not registered and did not carry official documents, carrying inside a large quantity of ammunition (pistols – 9 mm). Mr. Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, Acting Director General of the Customs Forces, praised all the roles of combating, as they make an effective contribution to the security operation and achieve strong strikes that paralyze the movement of smugglers. For his part, Mr. Major General (Jurist) Hashim Mohammed Ahmed Al Khalifa, Assistant Director General of Combating Smuggling, praised the roles they played. Combating smuggling is important, and it stands with the Armed People’s Forces and other regular forces in one trench in the Battle of Karama. Customs forces media follow-ups indicate that Al-Sabd, Brigadier General Ibrahim Bakhit Muhammad Saleh, Director of the Wadi Halfa Customs Department, made this qualitative seizure, offering his praise to the Anti-Smuggling Forces, Wadi Halfa Branch. It makes a new seizure every day. Mr. Colonel Fath al-Rahman Youssef, Acting Director of the Anti-Smuggling Department in the Northern State, praised the roles of his deployed forces as they provide an eloquent lesson to the smugglers. Colonel Saif al-Din Abdel Karim Mahmoud, Director of the Anti-Smuggling Branch in Wadi Halfa, explained that they are following all smuggling movements and will provide Every precious thing in order to protect the security, health and economy of the country.

Assistant Director General for Combating Smuggling in the Customs Forces presents a scientific paper on the occasion of the celebration of World Anti-Drug Day at the media platform of the Ministry of Interior 26/06/2024

Under the slogan of a drug-free nation and within the program of celebrating World Anti-Drug Day, the media platform of the Ministry of Interior hosted this afternoon in the meeting room of the Red Sea State Police Headquarters buildings, Mr. Major General (jurist) Hashem Mohamed Ahmed Al-Khalifa, Assistant Director General of the Customs Forces to Combat Smuggling, in the presence of Mr. Lieutenant General Mohamed Police. Ibrahim Awadallah, Acting Director General of the Police Forces, representative of the Minister of Interior, Assistant Director General, Police Major General Sami Hamid Hariz, Police Major General Nasraldin Saleh Abdel Rahman, Director of the General Department of Anti-Drugs, Police Major General Ibrahim Mustafa, Director of the General Department of Information and Public Relations, and a group of gentlemen from the media. The Major General (jurist) began. Hashem Muhammad Ahmed Haditha offered his condolences to the martyrs of the Battle of Karama, stressing that the customs forces are considered the first line of defense. The paper he presented also addressed the definition of drugs, their types, and the largest countries exporting them, in addition to money laundering crimes and the non-profit targets of the drug trade, which aims to destroy the youth. His Excellency also enumerated the major roles that It is carried out by anti-smuggling forces in combating these crimes through land and sea convoys and outposts, calling for the need for concerted efforts to eliminate the drug menace, offering his thanks to all visual, audio and print media outlets for their participation in the platform through interventions, questions and inquiries.

The Acting Director General of the Customs Forces chairs the regular meeting of the Customs Forces Command Authority

The Acting Director General of the Customs Forces, Mr. Major General Salah Ahmed Ibrahim, chaired the regular meeting of the Customs Forces in the meeting hall headed by the Customs Forces in the northern port of Port Sudan, in the presence of the Assistants to the Director General and the Directors of Public Administrations, Departments and Administrations. A number of customs stations also participated in the meeting via video conferencing technology. The meeting discussed The financial and cumulative performance report, in addition to the administrative report on the Customs Forces during the last period. The Director General explained that this stage requires making more efforts, stressing their continuous endeavor to overcome all obstacles that hinder the progress of work so that the Customs Forces can fully carry out their supervisory role through promoting and developing plans. Combating smuggling during the coming period, simplifying and accelerating the global trade movement, protecting society and the national economy, and increasing the volume of revenues that support the state treasury. The meeting also discussed plans to facilitate and simplify global trade and tighten customs control by reviewing performance at customs stations and border areas. The meeting also reviewed what has been accomplished. During the previous period, accompanied by modern plans and programs and the requirements of the second half of the year through a road map aimed at improving the customs work in the country, stressing that the customs forces will remain the country’s first line of defense, in addition to their support and assistance to the armed forces and other security agencies until victory is achieved in the Battle of Karama against the rebel militia. .

Opening of training course for smuggle combating general administration workers 19/04/2016

DSC_0088-300x198Police major general/ Dr. Bashir Eltahir Bashir the representative of the head of the authority, police major general/Elhadi Ahmed Eldehaish director of the general administration of smuggle combating and police brigadier/ Zeinab Yousif Habani director of training directorate have honored this morning in the headquarters of Adiat company at Khartoum north the opening of training course in the field of commercial fraud and trade marks counterfeiting for general administration of smuggle combating workers, the course aimed at training (10) officers and (82) non-commissioned officers and soldiers as a first group. The Suadian expert in the field of forgery and counterfeited goods Dr. Daif Allah Alzahrani lectured the participants also Dr. Rashid Abdel Muhsin introduced scientific paper on counterfeiting and commercial fraud combating and protection of intellectual property rights. This course comes in the framework of cooperation between Uniliver international company and some customs institutes in Arab countries and Sudan customs as one of the most important customs institutes in the Arabic region and Africa. It ҆s worth mention that the course will continue for three days in Khartoum state and then move to Gazeera state.

Inauguration clearance of first customs declaration through risk system in Khartoum Airport

DSC_0241Sudan Customs Authority has inaugurated in Sunday 20March2016 the clearance of first customs declaration through risk system in Khartoum airport. Police major general/ Dr. Abdel Hafeez Salih Ali, the head of the Authority emphasized that clearance through this system is an international demand in the framework of facilitation and simplification of customs procedures and to decrease time and effort exerted, his execllency also directed that that system should be implemented gradually in other directorates according to risk management administration approved plan. Police brigadier/ Hassab Elkarim Adam Elnour director of Khartoum customs directorate mentioned that risk management system is one of trade facilitation standards systems that customs administrations through out the world should apply to fulfill the condition of trade facililation that quality to access World Trade Organization, this includes other standards and that Sudan Customs Authority has stepped widely in moving to digital environment and from there to the smart environment soon.

Police colonel/ Mubarak Mohamed Ahmed chairman of risk management system steering committee in Khartoum airport and deputy director of Khartoum airport customs declared that they are so ready and prepared to implement all systems which contribute in facilitating and simplification customs procedures. Police colonel/ Abdel Majid Alhaboub indicated that Khartoum airport is the beginning, the system should be implemented in the coming days in Red Sea customs directorate, Suba containers administration, Ashkeit corridor and districts administration. The system applied through the yellow lane which indicate to documents audit only without detection where the first declaration number (11626/2016) was released in a very short time.