Inauguration clearance of first customs declaration through risk system in Khartoum Airport

DSC_0241Sudan Customs Authority has inaugurated in Sunday 20March2016 the clearance of first customs declaration through risk system in Khartoum airport. Police major general/ Dr. Abdel Hafeez Salih Ali, the head of the Authority emphasized that clearance through this system is an international demand in the framework of facilitation and simplification of customs procedures and to decrease time and effort exerted, his execllency also directed that that system should be implemented gradually in other directorates according to risk management administration approved plan. Police brigadier/ Hassab Elkarim Adam Elnour director of Khartoum customs directorate mentioned that risk management system is one of trade facilitation standards systems that customs administrations through out the world should apply to fulfill the condition of trade facililation that quality to access World Trade Organization, this includes other standards and that Sudan Customs Authority has stepped widely in moving to digital environment and from there to the smart environment soon.

Police colonel/ Mubarak Mohamed Ahmed chairman of risk management system steering committee in Khartoum airport and deputy director of Khartoum airport customs declared that they are so ready and prepared to implement all systems which contribute in facilitating and simplification customs procedures. Police colonel/ Abdel Majid Alhaboub indicated that Khartoum airport is the beginning, the system should be implemented in the coming days in Red Sea customs directorate, Suba containers administration, Ashkeit corridor and districts administration. The system applied through the yellow lane which indicate to documents audit only without detection where the first declaration number (11626/2016) was released in a very short time.