Temporary Administration of Vehicles


Temporary importation of vehicles:

  1. Under article 12(c) from general customs regulation and the regulation of implementation of the customs agreement for temporary importation and exportation of special roads vehicles
  2. Presenting vehicle and owner documents (visage of the vehicle, driving license and the passport)
  3. Granted to Sudanese working abroad according to valid residence
  4. Obtaining valid customs pass book from certified vehicles clubs which registered in the international club of vehicles
  5. Temporary release advantage should not granted to pick up vehicles, Hammer and common transport vehicles
  6. The permission period should be three months and could be renewed after the agree of the Director General
  7. Vehicles should be re-exported after the expiry of the determined period
  8. Temporary release vehicles should not be cleared


  1. The word (transit) should be included in the bill of lading (transport and travel)
  2. Obtaining contract from the foreign party and any of the transporting companies and the local travelling certified by Sudan Bank
  3. Notifying the customs station that the transit admitting should be across it
  4. Financial security should be paid in the arrival station and should be regained in the last Sudanese customs station (exit station)
  5. Draw out the form of Ministry of Trade
  6. Customs supervision (from enter to exit)

Tourist vehicles:

  1. Under article (12) of the General Customs regulation
  2. Shall be only for foreigners
  3. Obtaining the license of Ministry of Tourism
  4. Presenting the vehicle and owner documents (visage, license of the vehicle and owner’s passport)
  5. Obtaining valid customs pass book from any vehicles club registered in the international club of vehicles and the guarantee of ELmuhagir company
  6. Security cover the customs duties (financial or documental security)
  7. The permission for the tourist vehicle should be one month and could be renewed after the agree of the Director General